Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The 8nd Blog !!!
*44th is BLACK *

Madea.......... Goes To Jail.......she/he is the New (hold ya breathe)...Ernest P. Worrell....
How many movies is she/he going to come out with ???

remember the times........... R.I.P. ERNEST !!

****Ernest Goes to School ****
Ernest Rides Again
Ernest´s Greatest Hits Volume 2 ****
Ernest Scared Stupid- My Least fave :-(
Ernest Goes to Jail **** -My 1st fave
Ernest Saves Christmas
Ernest Goes to Camp **** -My 2nd fave

...and the plane that crashed in the Hudson last week, had previous engine problems...with a diff Pilot [ he{the pilot} heard loud clangs and bangs ] But he {the pilot} thought about turning the plane around..but {he the pilot} decided to keep going on to N.C. ...HMMMM...

and all they got was a LOUSY $5,000 check......S.M.H.

why do they care so much about what Michelle Obama is wearing....sheesh that all i heard about last night.....
But Whoever Jason Wu ( the designer) is hes gonna have a great year..And hes from NYC....HOLLA (no homo) cause we obviously know he's a cupcake already..

And ten Balls in D.C. ... jokes anyone ???

IKEA !!!!!

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