Wednesday, February 4, 2009

The 10nd Blog !!!

HAHA.... These Girls Now A Days Girls With FAke Eye Lashes....i Have Learned to deal With The Fake Hair But......why does it look like your high five'ing each other...NOT COOL !

Is Hockey even relevant anymore....?

Fact: Queens is the Happiest Borough to live in.....HAPPY TIMES
Fact: There are no asian homeless people in NYC....
Fact: There arent any cupcakes that are homeless also.....

SuperBowl Sunday...ummmmmm
Sunday Was Cool....SuperBowl was EgH !!

did yall watch for the love of RAY J......paaaaahaaaa...So Garbage !!!
why did he kept whispering during elimination ???

the girls werent even that cute.....
Love "The BAD GIRLS CLUB" THO its on soon...

catch ya later..Peace !!

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