Saturday, December 26, 2009

The 23nd Blog!!!

Happy Whateveryouwannaka !!!! Etc ....Blah Blah... we do this ish every year..

..............i know its cold..i know men are becoming more fashionable....aka Metro.

But Boots With Furs...Really... FUR !!!! On His Boots !!! is very Ho-Metrosexual....

( Please STOP IT ) Yeah Those Below This...

Congrats to me after Being A Grinch my whole life i went and participated in Christmas Shopping....this will b my last year...... Reasons Why:

1. I Hate Shopping

2. I'm Broke

3. I Hate People

4. I Hate Lines

5. I Hate People In Lines.......

The Jersey Shore on MTV, why is it so popular?? ..yet i've only seen 3 minutes of it.

Tiger Woods...HAHAHA Look what tiger did, he made the Yonkers come out of Mary J. Blige

No More on that subject.....

No More on That Subject....

Advice: If you are a man taller than 5"8...Don't not drive BMW 3 series...u don't even look warm in them...Knock It OFF !!!

Thank You Terrorists...
two days before my flight you wanna try and blow up a plane...
what next are we not gonna b allowed to bring on a plane, what else are we gonna have to take off !!! SHEESH

And why the hell is everyone so proud to be an American, every other country wants to Kill You.

Say Sorry America.......

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